Open Skills Pilots
Conducted in the spring of 2021. These pilots were to develop and publish shared open skill libraries of Rich Skill Descriptors (RSDs) and to learn common best practices to implement open skills with partners.​
In March of 2021 OSN supported the endeavors of 14 groups as they sought to test the open skills ecosystem.
These groups worked to:
21st Century Skills Competency Framework
(Education Design Lab)
21st Century Skills Digital Credentials to Up-Skill San Antonio Workers
(Alamo Colleges)
Green Infrastructure Sector Transferable Skills
Global Leadership Skills Collection
Health Professions Skills Collections for the Portability of Digital Credentials in the Indiana Achievement Wallet
(IAW Partners)
Meta-Competencies Framework
Next Generation Teaching Skills
North Dakota Credentials and Choice Ready Certificates Using CASE-LD
Open Shared Cybersecurity Rich Skills Descriptors (RSD) Library
Rich Skills Descriptors (RSD) / Meta-Data Inference Engine
(MatchMaker Ed Labs)
Skills-aligned IT Certificates for Chicago Ecosystem
Skills-based Hiring for Entry-level Cyber Workers
(Bay Path University)
Transferable Skills for Digital Government
(Credential Engine)
Skills-based Talent Pipelines for Cyber in Arizona
(Pipeline AZ)